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Squash Court Heating

Project Type

Sports Facility Heating

Low Running Costs

Conventional heating systems invariably result in high air temperatures at high level – the dreaded temperature gradient.  The higher the building, the more wasteful this phenomenon becomes and of course squash courts are always tall buildings.  The good news is that ESP2 radiant cassettes do not produce a meaningful temperature gradient and thus keep running costs in check.

A well designed system (like the one in the accompanying pictures) will also produce a nice even distribution of radiant energy.  This energy is absorbed by directly by people resulting in a ‘experienced’ temperature a few degrees higher than the surrounding air temperature alone would provide.  The net result is that the thermostat can be set a few degrees lower.

Radiant cassettes providing gentle comfort heat throughout the courts

No Light Output

An obvious alternative to radiant cassettes are quartz halogen heaters.  Whilst this approach can provide an economic means of squash court heating, the light output associated with halogen lamps cannot be avoided.  This light output is never popular with serious squash players as it may be a distraction when playing that vital point.

High Level, Out of the Way Mounting

ESP2 radiant cassettes are either ceiling mounted or suspended at high level.  With a depth of only 150mm, they are no more likely to interfere with a game of squash than a standard light fitting.

The system is being controlled via our vandal proof, Hard Case thermostat

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